Local color replacement method for images

In the image processing, it is often encountered the task of replacing the local color. But often this kind of operation will affect the surrounding images, resulting in convergence, transition hard. Now teach you to complete the color replacement task quickly and well. What color of lizard do you want? blue? Black? green? Everything is under control, too easy! I personally think that the best way is to learn the simplest way:
The most critical issue in this method is selection. You need to choose the range of colors you want to change to ensure that the colors of other parts are not affected. Because ordinary tools such as lassos and constituencies can only determine a rough range, and you know exactly how to do it with pixel-accurate choices?

After we get a digital image scanned by a scanner or digital camera, open it in Photoshop (Figure 1). We use this chameleon as an example to create a truly chameleon chameleon. The main purpose of this image manipulation is to select and change the image.

1. Place the chameleon that you want to change, and zoom in on the area.

2. Select replac color under the Adjust menu, as shown in Figure 2.

3. Select the middle pipette tool (icon with a small + sign), which is the tool shown in Figure 2, and click on the color you want to replace. Because in the darkest and brightest parts, basically cannot show the color relationship, so to transition nature, usually select the bright part of the image. In the small preview window, the white part is the selected part, as shown in Figure 2.

4. After selecting the range we want to replace the color, use the slider to set the color to change. In this example I set Hue to 31, and Saturation and Lightess are not adjusted.

5. You can click on the color pixels that you need to change until you are satisfied.

How easy is it? This method of operation is particularly suitable for the adjustment of the local color, the advantage is that the color change transition nature. You can also use the same method to try to change the color of your lips or eyes in your photos. It's very easy to use!

(Chen Yan)

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